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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Victorian French Toast

We had some overnight guests this weekend.  A couple of lovely chaps from our old church.  Great guys (did I mention they cleaned their own toothpaste out of the sink?)

Knowing that Sunday morning are hectic with just the five of us, I set out to put together my go-to, make ahead breakfast meal, Victorian French Toast.  This recipe actually originates from an old friend's mom.  Her version was actually in our town newspaper.  She's famous!

It's incredibly easy (and cheap!) to make

Pretty simple stuff, really.  Bread, eggs, milk, vanilla, white sugar, brown sugar, butter, and cinnamon, if you'd like.
 Melt some butter in the microwave.  Or if you're all rustic-like, the stove top.  Or, if it's August, just set it on the window sill for a few minutes.

In the bottom of a 9X13 pan, put in some brown sugar and the melted butter.  It should form a sort of thick slurry on the bottom of the pan

Mmmm, melted butter.
It should look kinda like this.

Here is my girl doing a quality assurance test.

I think it passed.

This is what will happen to your loaf of day old bread if you let your husband and 4 year old help.

See?  My girl knows what she's doing.  Maybe the husband is the problem.  You will need about a loaf of bread for a 9X13 pan.  Day old is great.  I had plain white, but I can imagine grainier breads would add a nice flavour and texture.

Next, the eggs.  How many?  It really depends on how egg-y you like your French toast.  Around here, it really varies with how many eggs are in the house and how many we need to use up and how long it is until grocery day again.

I'd say use between 3-6 large ones.  No less than three or you'll lose the puffing effect.  Too many and you'll end up with omelet.

 Wisk the eggs, a little white sugar, and some vanilla in a measuring cup.  Add enough milk to make about 8 cups of liquid.

For some real shazam, thoroughly wisk in some cinnamon.  Tasty stuff!

After you've poured the egg mixture over the bread, punch it down a little, just to make sure everything is covered and nice and soaked up

Cover it with foil and keep cool over night.  In our part of the woods, this time of the year, that means the garage will do just fine.  Otherwise, keep it in the fridge.

Bake it for about an hour at 350F.  Keep it covered for most of the baking time.  I take the foil off for the last 15 minutes or so, just to give it a good crunch on top.

And voila!  I have also seen blueberries tossed on top during the last few minutes, after the foil is removed.

The sauce on the bottom comes out delicious and yummy.  You won't even need maple syrup!  Of course, I won't tell if you add a little.

If there are left overs, I would suggest cutting them into serving size pieces for reheating.  It will keep for a couple of days.

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